Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014

Venus has been very busy growing and becoming more confident.  At her last vet visit she was 76.2.  She is still learning her manners but coming along nicely.  She has mastered sitting and waiting to be released to eat.  Anything for a meal. Venus has been to 2 Great Dane events and met lots of new friends.  She has not met a cat yet but I think she will do fine.  We will see.  On our recent trip to Care a Lot we discovered Venus is horrified of shopping carts.  We have had thunder and that didn't bother her but that big bad cart was going to get her.
Venus was exhausted at Paws for a Cause. This just makes me giggle every time I watch it.

Above picture Venus just taking in the sights.  Below picture Venus sees her sister Serena for the first time in a month. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7 2014

Venus had a great weekend.  She met her skin aunt and uncle on Saturday.  She warmed right up to Aunt Barbara but kept her distance from Uncle Kevin.  Now I know what we need to work on, miss Venus needs to be exposed to more men.  Venus will now sit at feeding time. Whoop
whoop. She is still choosing to ignore commands the rest of the time.  Baby Steps, it's only been 2 weeks. Her skin is looking better each day.  We can't wait for her fur to start to come it.
(Having issues getting video to loading more to come)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3 2014

Another day in paradise says Venus.  We are still working on sit but she really has no interest in learning.  Venus wants to play 24/7/, which is a good thing after only after a week in rescue.  Nothing new to report except Venus is now giving kisses.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1 Welcome Fall

What a difference a day makes. Today Venus woke up with a wiggle tail and a spring in her step.  From the moment her crate door opened she has been full of love and life.  She was a true puppy today doing things that puppies should and shouldn't do. She has been on my heals since 7:00am.  She even ran a little with her fur sister, Storm.  She has discovered toys and it turns out she LOVES them.  Today was her first day with learning to sit. We didn't get very far but she is receptive to learning.  No walk today it was just to hot however we did walk through the garage door a number of times which has been a challenge. There has been improvement in her poor little hinny that is covered in bug bites and sores. Each day is a better day:)